MT Certification

AHDI offers certification opportunities for the healthcare documentation specialist. We encourage our graduates to consider certification after graduation.

Job Opportunities
Our graduates almost always work from home right after they graduate. In the past, students needed to start out surrounded by experienced medical transcriptionists to help listen to the difficult dictation. Things have changed dramatically! Those same medical transcriptionists who were so helpful and encouraging in the past are now working from home. Others are paid on production and just don't have time to help new employees. They are concerned about their own paychecks.

We know that most of our graduates want to work from home. We prepare our students with the knowledge and skills they will need. Students receive an excellent selection of medical reference books to use throughout training and later on the job. Your tuition at The Andrews School of Medical Transcription also includes extensive mentoring from the director and instructors. Our graduates appreciate these advantages when they see what a difference practical education and training can make.

Earning Potential
Salaries for medical transcriptionists range widely. Certain areas of the country pay more and cost of living is higher. Here is a link to a US Department of Labor study on the average pay of Medical Transcriptionists.

Suggestions For Increasing Your Earning Potential:
Know the difference between medical typing and medical transcription.
Get the required training before representing yourself as a medical transcriptionist.
Get the best (not necessarily the longest) education.
Put yourself in the right place -- with the right skills.
Practice professional behavior and appearance and you will earn more money.
Start your home-based business only after you have on-the-job experience.
Learn from experienced medical transcriptionists to increase your future earning potential.
Surround yourself with supportive "pros" to help you achieve your career goals.
Keep commitments you make as far as work completion.
Commit only to the amount of work you know you can do well.
Keep your quality high and your ethics sound.
Enjoy yourself. Quality medical transcription can be exciting and rewarding!

Books and materials for the medical transcription program are included in the cost of the course.

Call or write us if you need help. When you do, let us know if you heard about us from a medical transcription employer, one of our successful graduates, or an online search. 405-721-3555 or if you prefer to write.